“We admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being, the exact nature of our wrongs.”
Step 5 has been labelled by many as a challenging step, yet one of the most transformative on the journey through the 12-step program. This marks the point where the individual is required to discuss their moral inventory, previously done in step 4, with a trusted and experienced addiction therapist at Ocean Bay Recovery. At first, this may seem like a daunting task, but invariably, those who proceed with this step recall incredible stories of healing, freedom and a sense of honesty and trust never previously experienced. The importance of this step in contributing to sustained long-term recovery cannot be understated. We are reminded of this from the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book in the quote “If we skip this vital step, we may not overcome drinking.”
How step 5 relates to addiction and recovery:
At Ocean Bay Recovery, importance is placed on emphasising the link between step 5, and the contents discussed within, to both the individual’s addiction and their recovery. The act of being rigorously honest with another human allows the participant to unburden themselves from the weight of their past actions and behaviours. By sharing their entire inventory with someone they trust, they begin to release the resentments, shame, guilt and secrecy that once served as fuel for their addictive patterns and behaviours. Left unaddressed, these elements within them become catalysts for potential relapse in the future.
This step fosters accountability and also contributes to a deeper level of self-awareness. Individuals not only confront the reality of their actions but gain insights into their patterns of behaviour. This self-awareness serves as the foundation on which positive and lasting change can take place within the individual’s life, ultimately resulting in sustained long-term recovery.
Self-acceptance and humility in step 5
Another benefit of working through step 5, is that it allows one to clearly see and acknowledge who they are in the present moment. This fosters a newfound sense of self-acceptance, which allows them to embrace themselves completely, without reservation. The individual involved will undoubtedly find they have areas of improvement, but this does not diminish their worth, in fact, the process is about identifying both strengths and weaknesses and understanding this ultimate truth about themselves. They possess both the ability of kindness and the ability to cause harm. Understanding the light and dark polarities within themselves and accepting that completely, is the essence of true humility. It is from this place that the seeds for lasting change are planted. Step 5 acts as the fertile soil in which the individual’s new life grows.
In the recovery journey through the 12 steps, it is inevitable that individuals will face things that trigger the discomforts of fear within them. When this happens, it is important to remember this truth: Everything amazing in life often lies on the other side of fear. It is only those who confront this step with unapparelled willingness and sincerity that will reap the full benefits of the profound step 5 process.
Take the transformative leap towards healing. Embrace Step 5 of your recovery journey at Ocean Bay Recovery with honesty and self-acceptance.